Contribute to Dicot

The Dicot project is looking for new contributors with a variety of skills and interests. The only prerequisite is an interest & passion for managing KVM virtual machines on the Kubernetes platform. A non-exhaustive list of possible areas for contribution includes:

For contributions which involve changes to the project’s GIT repositories, consult the contribution workflow document.

Instant messaging / chat

The project uses the #dicot IRC channel on the Freenode network. IRC is accessible from a wide variety of desktop messaging applications, or alternatively use the generic in-browser client

When using IRC bear in mind that project members are on a variety of timezones, so will not neccessarily be online at the same time as you. This also means that many members will inevitably miss conversations that take place online. For these reasons, detailed technical design discussions are often better held over email, leaving IRC for matters which require realtime engagement.

E-Mail / Forums

The project uses the dicot-dev Google Group as a forum for developer discussions. To join the group, visit the online web interface. After joining messages can be sent either via the web interface, or directly via e-mail to the address

Development resources

The development of Dicot relies on a number of online services

Source repository

All the source code assocaited with the project is managed in the GIT version control system, hosted on github. The primary repositories are:

Social media

The project maintains a presence in various social media systems to spread news and other interesting information related to the project